Monday, October 11


the gift of women, then, in a
sort of heaven:
  • humans don't so much shatter
    as come apart.
  • "they don't love their children."
  • daughters, now, receiving
    the send off, not coming home in
    boxes, not enough to be
  • sentries. walkers that go
    any where, watchers that
    suspend in black a motif of eyes.
what do they offer them for that?

within the shroud, a shroud. an eye.
within the shroud a ticking heat.

(You assemble a percussive beat, which
is not the heart's beat, but rushes in
the blood all the same)

last entries, part one

from some notebook a year or so ago.


You do not think these things. You
Unthink. Hands' fingers follow
Gravity; hands on knees draw the
Line of the eye you cannot
Look away from.

You begin to envy -
"who then can love" - Rilke.

But hypocrisies - Catullus
Lied and you caught the
Disc of it years too late -

Only the alone can truly know
The tremble of field before plow -

At the edge you are, the field's
Edge, the flower-falling edge.