Sunday, September 30

for clodia

ea amat
minding i am to
fly away, she holds me on a
tether tied around her finger and my
heart, so it is my hurt that
when i stretch the
distance taut.

myself am not so wise, i
crave the clench of the hand that
says i am worth holding tight.

once, there was a woman named clodia who came from such a pretty family that her surname was pulcher, beautiful. there was a poet. what their story was, we can't know anymore. she stayed real but the only words left are his.

and the sparrow, no one has found.

1 comment:

ablefires said...

i like how the distance is the thing being stretched taut, not the tether, as if the farther away you go from something the more tightly the air is pulled somehow. not sure about use of "myself." i like the simplicity of "i am not so wise, etc." more comments to come.